
Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Liebster Award Nomination

I have very kindly been awarded the Leibster award by Lynn at Raising Little Shoots. Thank you, Lynn!  Sorry it has taken me so long to get round to it but better late than never!

Liebster Award Rules  
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Display the Liebster Award on your blog
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions you were asked.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers for the Award and have them answer 11 questions.
  • Let the other bloggers know you’ve nominated them.
  • Copy the rules into your post.

Here are my 11 Random Facts:

1.  For a time I used to read exclusively non-fiction books but now I read more fiction books.
2.  I used to play the piano really well.
3.  I dream in another language.
4.  I have a deeper emotional connection with the language that I was brought up in.
5.  My memories of my siblings are frozen in time so in my mind's eyes they are still tweens(!), which must really irritate them because I sometimes forget and still treat them as such, even though they are in their 30s now.
6.  I can't be sure about this one, but I suspect I may be a luddite.
7.  I don't mind driving fast but I don't like to be a passenger when someone else is driving fast.

8.  Of the online friends that I've made through this blog, I've only ever met and spoken with two in real life.  It's nice to know that there are at least two real (non-virtual), wonderful people who read this blog.

9.  I have eaten barbecued fruits bats, compliments of a friend and her family in Borneo.

10.  I once saw a burning corpse floating down the Ganges while people were washing clothes or bathing themselves a few hundred yards away.

11.  I once spent 10 days floating down the Nile in a felucca boat.

Answers to Lynn's 11 Questions:
1.  Your favourite season?  Autumn.

2.  The words I’d like to live by are…  Be true to who you are.

3.  Introvert or extrovert?  Introvert.

4.  Your favourite childhood place?  My childhood home.

5.  Which character from a book would you most like to meet and why?  Siddharta from Herman Hesse's Siddharta, because I am intrigued by the character's path to spiritual fulfillment.

6.  What are your hobbies?  Too many to list.  The only hobby I can manage with an acceptable level of consistency at present is reading.

7.  Something you’re good at?  Cooking.

8.  What would your super-power be?  Empathy.

9.  Your favourite drink?  Chai Latte.

10.  Your favourite book?  Siddharta

11.  What kind of day are you having today?  Hmm... that's a hard question to answer at the moment.  Lots of ups and downs is all I can say.

11 Questions for my nominees:
  1. What did you do before you became a homeschooling mum?
  2. What is your greatest joy?
  3. What is your worst fear?
  4. What is your dream destination?
  5. Why do you blog?
  6. What are your personal dreams?
  7. What is the most exciting thing you have done?
  8. What are your plans for when homeschooling is over?
  9. Which book/movie has the deepest influence on you?
  10. In what ways has the book/movie chosen in question 9 influenced you?
  11. Who do you look up to?

I don't really know of many blogs with fewer than 200 followers, so I am nominating the following blogs in good faith.  Please don't be offended if you already have more than 200 followers and I thought you didn't, because I honestly don't mean to cause offence!  My nominees (in no particular order) are:
  1. journey-and-destination 
  2. Luminous Fire
  3. Stories of an Unschooling Family
  4. The Queen of Hats
  5. Frolicking Flamingoes
  6. Quark Academy  
  7.  Laugh, Love, Learn
  8. delivering grace

* This post contains affliate links to products that we have used and that I truly recommend.  I earn a little bit of money, at no extra cost to you, when you make a purchase through the link.  Thank you for your support.  :-)


  1. Congratulations Hwee! Very well deserved!
    I find it very interesting that you dream in another language :)

    1. Thank you, Claire. :-) It is rather weird, isn't it, to dream in another language?

  2. Hwee,

    Congratulations on your award! I enjoyed reading your random facts. You have led a much more exciting life than me. I wonder if you share your piano talent with Tiger.

    Thank you for nominating my blog for an award. That was so kind of you!

    1. Thank you and you're welcome, Sue. You've done such a wonderful job with your blog that you would be a very good nominee for the award. I hope being nominated is good news to you. :-)

  3. I think that's probably the most interesting set of random facts I've ever read, Hwee - what an interesting life you've led! Do you ever play the piano these days? Jasper had his first lesson this week. I have no idea how it will progress - one never knows with Jasper! - but it has been so lovely seeing him excited and exploring the connection between maths and music.

    Thank you so much for nominating me. I'm not sure when, but I will definitely answer your interesting questions!

    I really appreciate your support and encouragement for my new blog (and Navigating By Joy!). I'm glad we are blogging friends. :-)

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Lucinda. You won't believe how much I struggled to put the 11 random facts down without making myself sound totally weird. :-)

      I'm very happy to hear that Jasper is taking piano lesson and that he is enjoying it. Let's hope he continues and finds joy and excitement through music! I play every now and then, but hardly as much as I should!

      There's no urgency to accepting the award, I think. Everyone has a lot going on these days. It took me a month to accept the award from when I was notified of the nomination, so don't worry about it. I just hope I'm not adding to the burden of any of my nominees by nominating them for the award! :-)

  4. I always find these amusing to read. I don't know why that is, but I do.
    I'm like you with too many hobbies to list.

    1. I'm guessing it's because the random facts reveal a little more of the blogger's personality other than the fact that she is homeschooling her children. I always find it interesting to know more about the actual person behind the blog. :-)

      Wouldn't it be great to one day have time to pursue all our hobbies? :-)
