
Friday, 11 December 2015

Countdown to Christmas: Week 2

It has been a difficult week.  Tiger has been very ill with high fever and severe headache all this time.  It took three visits to the GP to find out that Tiger has a middle ear infection, which most likely resulted from his weekly swimming lessons.   There is no a lot to be done apart from taking the prescribed antibiotics and waiting for the bacteria to be gotten rid of.  The infection is a nasty one, causing such a spliting headache for Tiger that he (and consequently, I) has been woken up by the pain several times in the night for the past week.  Hence, all external activities have been cancelled, with Tiger spending most of his time lying on the sofa.  He is only well enough today to play with LEGO and his train set.

Compared to how active Tiger normally is, this week has been very boring for him as all external activities have been cancelled due to his being ill.  With all my not-so-well-planned December plans out of the window, luckily we have been able to manage some continuity with the daily unwrapping of Christmas-related storybooks.

  and rewatching a Christmas classic:

When he felt well enough to get off the sofa, we continued to look through the RI space-themed advent calendar, watched the second week of the Angel Trail, and made tin can lanterns that turned out to be very pretty.

At the very beginning of the week Tiger felt really terrible so in order to distract him from the physical pain that he was experiencing, my husband had the brilliant idea of introducing Tiger to a classic movie that he (my husband) has always wanted them to watch together:

No, Tiger will not be getting any Star Wars-related presents.


  1. Oh dear ear infections are nasty things. Hope he's feeling better soon.

    Your tin can lanterns turned out fabulous!

    1. Thank you, Kylie, Tiger is getting better after taking the antibiotics. :-)

      The tin can lanterns are pretty, aren't they?

  2. Poor Tiger, that sounds miserable. Hope gets back to normal quickly.

    1. Yes, it was a really terrible week for him. Luckily the antibiotics are working well and he is on the mend. Thank you for your kind thoughts, Sarah. :-)

  3. Ouch, poor Tiger! I've had an ear infection this week too, so I sympathise! Luckily mine only required an antibiotic spray and no headaches though. I take it the original Star Wars was not a hit with Tiger? My J felt exactly the same! His dad is now trying to tempt him to watch the first of the "new" trilogy together so they can go to the cinema together to see the latest. (J couldn't possibly see them out of order, but what IS the right order for Star Wars?!) I hope Tiger's fully well again soon.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that you've experienced the ear infection too, Lucinda. I've never had one but I gather from Tiger's agony that the ear infection can inflict terrible pain. I hope you're well by now.

      Actually, Tiger really enjoyed the original Star Wars movie. I think it's because he hasn't seen many of the latest sci-fi movies so he thinks the 70's special effects are really cool. J is probably a lot more sophisticated than Tiger in this area so I'm not surprised that the original movie doesn't appeal to him. I can identify with J's insistence on chronology though, since watching any movie series in the 'wrong' order will greatly trouble me. :-)

  4. I think you have too many readers, however, I nominated you for a liebster award. Here is the link:

    1. Thank you for the nomination, Lynn. That's very kind of you. :-)
