
Saturday, 9 August 2014

Brave New Geography

Has anyone noticed something interesting in the news clip below?

Maybe the clip is too short.  Here's a still:

I learn something new everyday.  My latest new learning comes from the CNN -- not any dodgy pirate station, mind you -- that Hong Kong has decided to park itself on another continent!  Wow.  To think that all this time I have thought Hong Kong is located in Asia, a continent which is shaped quite differently from the South American continent!  Well, if the information comes from the CNN or the BBC, it must be right!  Aren't we lucky to have these brilliant, highly paid, highly qualified expert broadcasters tell us what's what in the world?!  How else would we have figured out that Hong Kong is actually located at where most people thought is Rio de Janeiro, a city of Brazil?

Hong Kong is part of China -- tell me that is still true -- I can't take another blow to my inadequate geography knowledge.  By extension of that logic, it should be located very near mainland China.  So.... looking at the CNN news map, the bigger country right by "Hong Kong", or what I thought used to be the country of Brazil, or is now China!!  Wow, the tectonic plates have shifted so much in the few hours that I was asleep, huh?!

It's troubling, isn't it?


  1. Is this for real? I understand mistakes...but how could they have let one that big make it on the air!?!

    1. I know... Maybe they thought no one would notice, since it was only on screen for a split second. :-)

  2. LOL I had to share this one with the whole family.

    1. Glad you've had a good laugh too, Phyllis. :-)

  3. Oh my, this brings whole new levels of misery to my brain.

    1. LOL. It's one of those moments when you don't know whether to laugh or to cry! :-)

  4. Oops. I'll admit, I'm no geography expert, but really? NOBODY noticed before it was broadcast to millions?

    1. It makes one wonder, doesn't it, whether it's a matter of carelessness or ignorance...? :-)
