
Monday, 10 February 2014

Eye on the Ball, Please! Part 4

This is the fourth part of a series of my termly plans from now until Easter (April 2014).  The first three parts are:
  1. Ball #1: Language Arts
  2. Ball #2: Mandarin
  3. Ball #3: Mathematics

Ball #4: Science, Nature Study, and Geography
Before we took two weeks off from our normal schedule to celebrate Chinese New Year, we had spent some time studying the erratic weather in the UK this winter.  It appears that the flood is not letting up at all, so we shall resume our weather study next week.

Since we have studied about the rain (through the water cycle), which is the most obvious cause of the flood, the next topics to follow on from that will to be:
  1. storm
  2. wind (hurricane, tornado)
  3. blizzard
I am looking to using the following book as the main source of ideas for projects and experiments but I shall also be using other resources online to support our study.

Our decision to study the weather is borne out of its immediate relevance to the current state of our environment.  Not only does studying the weather allow us to understand better the environmental crisis that is unfolding around us, the issues involve spans across multiple subject areas such as nature study, earth science, and geography, thus enables us to better appreciate the importance of looking at things from an interdisciplinary perspective.


  1. So very interesting, Hwee! You have inspired me to pull together a set of interdisciplinary experiments/studies to show the impact of not receiving enough rain (our situation in N. California) this season. Thank you for sharing the details of your approach-Dana

    1. You're welcome, Dana. I'm glad you've found the post to be useful. I can't wait to see what you do with the study of not enough rain at your end!

  2. Interesting! Being surrounded by rain, the very last thing I would like to do is learn more about it!! You must have more constitution than me!
    All your plans look fantastic this year.

    1. Thanks, Claire. It's only because we never looked into weather before that I thought it would be an opportune time to study it, since it's happening everyday at the moment! I hope the plan works. Plans don't always work out the way I intend them to, but having them written down helps me to focus. :-)

  3. After reading about your flood studies, we got some flood books and just began reading them. I'm looking forward to more of your science book recommendations.

    1. It's strange that it didn't occur to us to study this topic until now, when we are seeing and hearing news of flood in many places in the UK. I suppose that's why the topic has suddenly become relevant and important to us. :-)

  4. I'm looking forward to following along with this topic. I've found myself googling the reasons behind our extreme weather quite a lot recently so I can understand your interest. We are in the middle of the flood risk zone so have been surrounded by some quite dramatic sights these last few days! I think our house will be okay, thankfully, but a few close friends have been evacuated.

    1. Fingers-crossed that your house will be alright! I think of you and your family whenever the flood warning mentions the South. The weather has been incredibly bad, and more is coming out with regards to the possible man-made causes of the flood crisis. I hope those affected will be able to return home soon and receive proper help to rebuild their lives.
