
Friday, 31 January 2014

Happy Year of the Wooden Horse!

Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year.  Like the Western New Year, Chinese people usher in the Chinese New Year with a countdown and fireworks on new year's eve.

It is certainly much more festive and done a much bigger scale in the Far East than in the UK.  The Chinese New Year lights and the number of decorations in the Far East where Chinese is the dominant culture reminds me very much of the same level of festivities during Christmas time here.

There is also the Chinese New Year equivalent of the Winter Wonderland.

Tiger and I are joining many Chinese people around the world to celebrate this ancient tradition.  I will be taking a few days off to celebrate it with my family, but I hope to be back soon to share what we have done.

To all who celebrate Chinese New Year:

This post is linked up to Chinese Activities Link Up.


  1. Happy New Year, Hwee! I hope you enjoy the celebrations. :-)

    1. Thank you, Lucinda! Wishing you a very propserous and successful Chinese New Year too! :-)
