
Thursday, 9 May 2013

The Italian Experience - Music

We did a little bit of Composer Study related to Italy, where we learned about Palestrina by reading a short biography of him in this book:

and watched a documentary in which he was featured.

We also watched an Italian opera, La Boheme, at The Royal Opera House.  I wasn't sure whether Tiger would be able to sit through the entire performance without feeling bored, but he was captivated by the music and the set.

As a result of his interest in the opera above, we came home to learn more about its composer, Puccini:

This post is linked up to:
1) Look What We Did!
2) History and Geography Meme: Learning History and Math Together
3) Homeschool Mother's Journal: May 10, 2013
4) Hobbies and Handicrafts - May 10
5) Collage Friday - A Big Change and A Big Sale!
6) Homeschool Review
7) Weekly Wrap-Up: The One That Was a Roller Coaster
8) Hip Homeschool Hop - 5/14/13
9) Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop #4


  1. When we studied Palestrina we couldn't find a book about him. Great study. Thank you for linking up to the History and Geography Meme.

  2. This is a great idea. I have my kids watching history and science videos and they like it a lot. Opera would be a fun change for a few weeks.

  3. Phyllis - Palestrina seems to be one of those 'obscure' composers. We only found one chapter about him from the book that we have.

  4. Julie - we use videos quite a bit as well, mostly to supplement what we are studying. It would be nice to be able to watch the performance in person, but videos are quite good if live performances are not available. Hope your children will enjoy watching operas as well. :-)

  5. You're having a very cultured time in your school at the moment, with poetry teas and the opera!! I love it! I'd just love to be able to take the children to an opera but it just isn't possible at the moment. Live performances are so very different to on screen.

  6. Indeed, Claire! I'm so very glad that homeschooling allows us to the time and flexibility to take in such opportunities. Don't worry about taking children to an opera. It's very difficult to do that in your situation at the moment. The time will come for all that. Not to worry. :-)

    As I've said to Julie, if watching live performances is not possible, catching a video of it is still a very good second choice. :-)

  7. What a study! We don't have access to operas here and I never thought of watching videos. I'm going to tuck this away to remember when my kids are a little older. Thanks so much for linking up to the Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop.

  8. I love classical music, so I really appreciate this post! And I am heartened to learn that your son was so captivated by the opera! I will definitely give it a try with my son when he is a bit older. Thanks for linking up to the Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop!

  9. I truly enjoy how in-depth, and cultured are you lesson plans! Just like your Italian masks post this one is another of my favorites. Thanks for linking up at the Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop #4!

  10. Thank you for your kind comments, ladies. :-)
