
Friday, 25 January 2013

Our winter week: snow fort, warm cookies, and games

This week there hasn't been a lot of academic work going on.  I blame the snow.  For most of the week, schools in England have been shut because of the weather, so I let Tiger play in the garden while the snow lasted.   I discovered that my boy is not into making snowman.  He's more interested in making a snow fort, which shouldn't surprise anyone, really.

While Tiger was working hard outdoors, I stayed indoors to make him some ginger and oat cookies to come in for:

Unfortunately, Tiger then caught a cold and the rest of the week was spent indoors.  Luckily we have games to keep us occupied.

This post is linked up to:
1) Look What We Did: January Link-Up
2) All Year Round Blog Carnival: Winter
4) Weekly Wrap-Up: The One with the Renewed Motivation
5) Homeschool Mother's Journal: January 25, 2013
6) Collage Friday - Feeling Like a New Person
7) It's a Wrap
8) Hobbies and Handicrafts - Jan 25
9) TGIF Linky Party #60
11) The Sunday Showcase- 1/26/13


  1. The cookies look so good. We are hoping for snow later today. Maybe this time we will get it. You all got an amazing amount of snow.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Looks like a lot of learning took place even though he was sick, with all those good games and books.

  3. My kids also seem to make more forts than snow men. Since we don't get too much snow here in Germany I try to make sure they get a chance to play extra long outside when it comes. It looks like aside from the cold he had a great week. - Thanks for linking up with Hobbies and Handicrafts.

  4. We love snow too!! We usually call off school for the event. I am so sorry he caught a cold though. Games sounds like a lot of fun, may have been worth it ;-)

  5. Snow forts are the coolest! Pun intended! LOL Our snow has been the dry, non-sticking sort this year and it's been rough making those forts. Icicles make for good turrets too! ;)

  6. I noticed that London had record amounts of snow this past week.

    Thanks for always linking with Collage Friday! Happy weekend!

  7. Looks like a perfect week! My daughter, who is 17, still loves to build snow forts! Enjoy the snow! :-)

  8. So nice to see posts on snow when it's full on Summer here in Australia! This looks wonderful! :)

  9. We love the snow, too, and it inspired us to do a winter nature study. Fun times! Sorry he caught a cold and hope he's feeling better now.

  10. Thank you for all your kind comments, and welcome to all new visitors. :-) I appreciate your visits and comments. :-) Hope you have a very good week ahead.

  11. Awesome snow fort! I'vre been postimg UK winter activities too!

  12. So jealous! I wish I had some snow!

  13. Thank you for sharing at Share It Saturday! My boy is very interested in snow forts too :)
    Colleen at Sugar Aunts

  14. Thanks for linking up to Its a Wrap. I am with your boy, as I'd rather make a fort than a snowman. I hope you'll be back this week.

  15. What a great lesson in symmetry. I love the snowflake incorporation. Thanks for sharing at Its a Wrap and I hope you'll return this week. -Savannah
