
Friday, 7 December 2012

SANTA maths

We took a slight detour to do some Christmas-related maths:

The above is written as "targeted for Year 5-6" (age 9-11).  It is a set of nine photocopiable task sheets that let the children complete tasks to work out certain clues leading to a solution to the final puzzle.  Each task is a mathematical question that seeks to incorporate a number of maths concepts disguised as puzzles.  It's a nice idea, and I wish I had used it with Tiger two years ago.  He completed all of it within half an hour, and was clearly underwhelmed, but he was happy to discuss what gifts he could claim using the piece of paper he 'achieved' at the end of the book:

I bought the book based on the user reviews of another book in the same series.  The users are school teachers who used the series with secondary school children, and who claimed that the children at that age "enjoyed the tasks".  Hmm.  When I asked Tiger whether he 'enjoyed the tasks' in this particular book, he said, "Yes, because they're so easy!"  I am slightly annoyed that I did not get more value out of the £17 I paid for the book.

With this book, I felt as though I have put Tiger in a toddler's paddling pool when my intention was to let him have a leisurely swim in the big pool.

This post is linked up to:
1) Homeschool Mother's Journal: December 7, 2012
2) Collage Friday
3) It's a Wrap
4) TGIF Linky Party #57
5) Weekly Wrap-Up: The Busy One

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this. How much we buy and unknowingly miss the mark...especially curriculum! Thanks for linking up last week. I always enjoy this blog.
