
Saturday, 9 June 2012

The Franks

From the various sources of historical readings (I am not able to keep up with all the different books that Tiger has been reading on his own), Tiger has known about the Franks even before we started on this topic.  They first came onto our radar with the Fall of Rome by the various barbarian tribes, of which the Franks was considered one.

We watched two documentaries to get an overview of the Franks:
1) Barbarians - The Franks

2) The Franks

Then we looked at a few books to figure out their origin and the route they took for their eventual conquest of a large part of Europe:

Charlemagne was a prominent figure in this part of European history, hence an overview of him worked nicely as an introduction to the second part of the Frankish history, the first part being about how Clovis (Charlemagne's grandfather) consolidated power to build his dynasty.

To understand more of what happened during this period, we also watched the following documentary:

Tiger rounded the topic off by reading two historical fictions on this subject:

This post is linked up to several blog hops, where you can see what other homeschoolers have been busy with.


  1. It is interesting how you use videos in your school.

  2. That looks like a great video. The second one. The first one wouldn't play in our country. My daughter and I have been reading the Story of Germany by HE Marshall on the Baldwin Project. It's a great living book that covers the history of the middle ages and more. I'm definitely going to watch your video. - Thanks
