
Thursday, 24 May 2012

When it gets this hot...

school's out.  I mean, who has the heart to keep a healthy, lively child indoors when the weather is gorgeous?!  After math on Monday morning , I looked out of the window and decided that I would rather Tiger's memories of childhood be filled with many happy hours of digging in the garden, exploring outdoors, and being in awe of nature, than the number of books he has read or workbooks he has completed.

Therefore for the most part of this week, our homeschooling looks like this:
- many, many hours playing in the garden: digging, building structures and building 'dams', living out of his box-house, and generally getting muddy.

- staring at garden creatures and figuring out where they go and what they do.

Once Tiger has accumulated enough mud and dirt on himself, he comes indoors for a scrub-down and does more 'civilised' activities such as improvising on the piano with Daddy...

as well as writing and illustrating his own story.

I can foresee what our summer will look like, and I like what I am seeing -- a good balance of self-initiated work and play.

"Real play, which doesn't require any special equipment, comes naturally if children are allowed reasonable freedom to explore and engage with the world about them."
--- Sue Palmer, 21st Century Boys

This post is linked up to:
1) several blog hops, where you can see what other homeschoolers have been busy with;
2) the Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival: Summer Holidays edition;
3) the All Year Round Blog Carnival: Summer edition.

It is featured in the All Year Round Blog Carnival: 7 Summer Things to do Outdoors edition.


  1. Looks like he's creating happy memories right there! Wishing you all a happy summer!

  2. Oh, how fun! Our summer looks a lot like that too. We're gardening and exploring the brook and swimming in the lake and digging up worms. Dirt is good for kids! LOL

  3. Looks like the perfect way to spend a week when the weather is warm!

  4. Love that quote. We try to enjoy the outdoors when we can but it actually gets TOO hot around here to do much of anything other than float in the pool! It was already 90-something here today!!

  5. It is wonderful how much learning goes on when school is "out."

  6. Sometimes the simple act of "playing" outside and exploring the outdoors can turn into school activities. We do that a lot at our house.

  7. What great ways to spend hot summer days. I love the box-house! Thank you so much for sharing with the All Year Round Summer Carnival. :) I've featured your post here:
